Thursday, March 3, 2016

Residential Roof Replacement

Residential Roof Replacement | Livingston Parish La

If you live in Livingston Parish or the surrounding area, you recently experienced some seriously hostile weather. Several tornadoes were reported in the area and many homes and businesses were damaged because of these storms. Storm damage at this level is easy to recognize. Roofs are visibly damaged, shingles are missing and in some cases roofs are completely torn off. Storm damage at this level is treated with great urgency. The damage has to be quickly identified so the proper solutions can be put in place. The longer damage is left without remedy, the more it will cost to apply a solution. Hail damage on the other hand is not easy to recognize unless you have a trained eye to identify that type of damage. Hail damage can sit dormant for months waiting for the sun to slowly stretch the shingle and allow moisture to seep into the hail damagfed spot. Insurance companies understand this fact very well which is why they will pay for a complete residential roof replacement.

The Ryson Roofing Process

Ryson Roofing understands the insurance claim process completely. We have been dealing with insurance claims for over 25 years and 90% of our business is from a damage claim. Ryson Roofing offers a free roof inspection to homeowners in the Baton Rouge and surrounding areas. We send an inspector to physically get on your roof in order to properly identify if any damage exists. Once the damage has been located, We brief the homeowner on the claim process. The homeowner then files a claim and the insurance company will send a adjuster to inspect the roof. On the day the insurance adjuster is scheduled to inspect your roof, our own adjuster will return to your home to point out the damage our inspector found to your insurance company's adjuster. If the insurance company's adjuster agrees with the damage, they will approve the claim and you will get a new roof for the cost of your deductible. 

Who Pay's The Deductible?

Roofing contractors are never allowed to pay nor waive your insurance deductible. It is always the obligation of the homeowner to pay his or her own deductible. In many cases it reads right in the language of your insurance policy that your insurance can be voided if you fail to pay your deductible. if a contractor offers to pay your deductible they are prepared to commit fraud on the final invoice that is submitted to the insurance company. never hire a company that is prepared to commit fraud.

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